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Pearls come in all different colors and styles, being a classic fashion jewelry piece, there is a pearl type for everyone.
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Diamonds come in every color of the rainbow, and carat for carat, are among the most expensive objects on earth.
Cut, color, clarity, and carat are the four things to look for when buying a piece of diamond jewelry.
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 Most common forms of pearl color are white, white-rose, silver, gold, pink, cream, peacock-green, purple, and all shades of grey and black.
Diamonds come in every color of the rainbow, and carat for carat, are among the most expensive objects on earth
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Grading Diamonds

Whether you're considering a brand new purchase, or researching a family antique, you're sure to have a few questions about diamonds. How are diamonds graded? What's a Carat? What are certified diamonds? Is bigger really better? Basic knowledge begins with the four C's of diamonds.

The Four C's


CARAT Carat is a unit of measurement, used to determine the weight of a diamond. Technically, weight is what matters, not size. Large diamonds are rare, making them extremely valuable, but two diamonds of similar size, may have drastically different prices, due to their carat. Density has a lot to do with this.

Diamonds are produced under extreme pressure; therefore a highly pressurized (dense) stone will have more weight, quality, and value, then a diamond of similar size, which was created at a lower pressure, having less density.

1Carat = 200 mg (0.2 grams)
Diamonds weighing less than one carat are measured by points.
1Carat = 100 points
½ Carat = 50 points

CLARITY Clarity refers to a diamonds ability to reflect light. Clear diamonds, free from internal or external flaws are most brilliant, valued, and priced. The largest majority of diamonds on the market have flaws. The visibility, number, and size of these flaws, can be rated on a scale to determine each diamonds value on the market.

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Inclusions - interior flaws  •   Blemishes - exterior flaws
(For the purpose of grading, all flaws are termed "inclusions.")

Clarity Scale - Examined under 10x loupe magnification
* F: Flawless
Free from any internal or external flaws. (Extremely rare)
* IF: Internally Flawless
Free from internal flaws. Surface flaws are small. (Very rare)
* VVS1-VVS2: Very, very slightly included
Inclusions aren't easily detected, even by a trained gemologist.
*VS1-VS2: Very slightly included
Inclusions are small, only slightly difficult to detect under magnification.
*SI1- SI2: Slightly included
Minute inclusions are more easily detected under magnification. Inclusions
are invisible to the naked eye.
* I1- I2- I3: Inclusions are visible to the first, second, or third degree, under magnification as well as to the human eye.
hese diamonds are of the lowest quality, and not recommended by professionals. Internal, or external, flaws will be noticed.
(F - SI quality stones look perfect to the naked eye. Their clarity grade implies a difference in value, not outward appearance.)

COLOR Diamonds, free from color of any kind, reflect the most possible light, making them glisten, and shine. Any color within a diamond is a permanent part of its composition, and can not be removed. The GIA Professional Color Scale grades the colorlessness of diamonds.

"Fancy Diamonds" come in every color of the rainbow, and carat for carat, are among the most expensive objects on earth. The color scale does not include these gemstones.

Professional Color Scale
D-F:  Considered colorless
G-J:  Nearly colorless
K-M: Faint tinge of yellow
         (a preference for some, due to warmth, and affordability)

N-R: Very light yellow
S-Z:  Light yellow

* White gold or platinum settings look best with high color quality gems. Yellow gold    settings are kinder to lower color quality gems.

CUT How a diamond will collect and distribute light depends on how it's cut. A diamonds shape (oval, round, pear) describes its outward appearance. The cut optimizes brilliance. Balancing depth and diameter for good proportions is essential. A diamond with perfect color and clarity can lose up to 25% of its value to a bad cut.

Grading System for Cut
 Very Good
 Fair & Poor

Certificates (The hidden C) A certificate is proof of a diamonds identity, and authenticity. Certified Diamonds are loose (unset) gems, evaluated by a laboratory. Blueprints, detailing the diamonds measurements, weight, cut, quality, and details are produced. Price is not mentioned in a certificate, but it can help you make an informed decision. Appraisals determine monetary value of a diamond, not quality.

Professional Diamond Grading Labs
"GIA" - Gemological Institute of America
"AGS" - American Gem Society
"EGL, USA" - European Gemological Laboratory, USA.